Thursday, March 19, 2020
Flamenco essays
Flamenco essays Flamenco es un arte. Es un arte que estimula la mente, el cuerpo, y el alma. Flamenco es originario de Espan, flamenco tiene unas raà ces en los moros y los judà os. Hoy el flamenco forma parte de la tradicin en la vida de cada dà a, porque toda la mà ºsica que las personas escuchan en Andalucà a ha brotado del flamenco (Similar al Jazz en los estados unidos). Hay tres tipos de Flamenco: El baile, la guitarra, y el canto. Por lo general, la mà ºsica es lo ms importante. El baile del flamenco no es menos que fantstico. Las chicas usan sus cuerpos con gracia y con mucho flujo. Los chicos bailan en forma de Zapateado, forma por la cual ellos usan mucho los pies, y golpean el piso con los tacones. La mà ºsica es muy rpida y las personas se mueven al comps de la mà ºsica. La parte de canto es la que a mi no me gusta. No me gusta porque el volumen de las voces de las personas, en mi opinin, no es tan necesario . Tambin, no me gusta el tono de los personas que estn cantando. Probablemente es porque yo no escucho este tipo de mà ºsica todos los dà as, y es solamente porque es diferente. En el canto, en las raà ces del norte de frica es muy evidente cuando las personas gritan jaleos. Cuando yo fui al frica, yo escuche los jaleos muy similares a los que se escuchan en la mà ºsica del Flamenco. La parte de la guitarra es mi favorito. Me gusta este parte porque es similar a la mà ºsica que yo escucho. Tambin, el sonido es muy denso y es un placer escucharlo. Yo escucho un poco de la mà ºsica de Paco de Lucia, y me gusta mucho la mà ºsica. Ahora, despus de haber trabajado en este ensayo, ya se mucho mas sobre flamenco y de las tradiciones de las personas en Espa ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Planting Hybrid Poplar, Pros and Cons
Planting Hybrid Poplar, Pros and Cons A hybrid plant is produced when pollen of one species is used to fertilize flowers of another species. A hybrid poplar is a tree resulting from the combining, either naturally or artificially, of various poplar species into a hybrid. Hybrid poplars (Populus spp.) are among the fastest-growing trees in North America and well suited for certain conditions. Poplar hybrids are not desirable in many landscapes but can be of major importance under certain forestry conditions. Should I Plant a Hybrid Poplar? It depends. The tree can be effectively used by tree farmers and large property owners under certain conditions. Most hybrid poplars are a landscaping nightmare when grown in yards and parks. The populus species are susceptible to fungal leaf spots that defoliate trees by late summer. The poplar tree is extremely susceptible to a devastating canker and dies an ugly death in just a few years. Still, poplar just may be the most planted ornamental tree in America. Where Did the Hybrid Poplar Come From? Members of the willow family, hybrid poplars are crosses between North Americas cottonwoods, aspens, and Europes poplars. Poplars were first used as windbreaks for European fields and hybridized in Britain in 1912 using a cross between European and North American species. Planting hybrid poplar for profit started in the 1970s. Forest Services Wisconsin lab led in U.S. hybrid poplar research. The Poplar has restored its reputation by offering a new source of alternative fuels and fiber. Why Grow Hybrid Poplar? Hybrids grow six to ten times faster than similar species. Tree farmers can see economic returns in 10 to 12 years.Hybrid poplar research has reduced the disease problems. There are now commercially available disease-resistant trees.Hybrids are easy to plant. You can plant an unrooted dormant cutting or stick.Growth off stump sprouts insures future trees with little or no planting costs.There is an ever-increasing list of primary uses being developed for hybrid poplar. What Are the Primary Commercial Uses of Hybrid Poplar? Pulpwood: There is an increasing need for aspen for the production of wood products in the Lake States. Hybrid poplar may be substituted here.Engineered Lumber Products: Hybrid poplar can be used in the process of making oriented strand board and, possibly, structural lumber.Energy: Burning wood does not increase atmospheric carbon monoxide(CO). The hybrid poplar absorbs as much CO over its lifetime as is given off in burning so it mitigates amount of CO given off. What Are Alternative Uses of Hybrid Poplar? Hybrid poplar is extremely beneficial in ways not directly profitable. Property owners can stabilize stream banks and agricultural lands by planting and encouraging hybrid poplar growth. Windbreaks of poplar have protected fields in Europe for centuries. In addition to protecting soil from wind erosion, the windbreaks protect livestock and humans from cold winds and increase wildlife habitat and aesthetics. Phytoremediation and the Hybrid Poplar In addition to the above values of hybrid poplar, it makes an excellent phytoremediator. Willows and specifically hybrid poplar have the ability to take up harmful waste products and lock them away in their woody stems. Municipal and corporate institutions are becoming more and more encouraged by new research showing the benefits of planting hybrid poplar to naturally clean up toxic waste.
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